The live-course has ended but, you can do Nitty-Gritty Solo: you get all 8 weeks in one go. (we are in the process of changing course platforms – stay tuned!)
(Want to do another webcourse? WONDER WOMAN will also soon be available)
“Nitty Gritty – Paint, for a Change”
Registration opens late March 2021!
Du som undrar om du kan göra det här fastän det inte är på svenska – så tror jag att du klarar det bra om du kan förstå engelska någorlunda. De flesta filmer innehåller skrivna instruktioner så det är enkelt att följa med eftersom du kan pausa en video när som helst och hur länge som helst! Du kan också maila mig om det är något som är oklart!
Will you join me for Nitty-GRITTY?
Do You need something to fire up your everyday life at this time?
Are you tired of just talking the talk, and want to focus more on “walking it”?
Do you want to Paint, for a change? To initiate a change?
Join me for Nitty-Gritty!
Maybe you just need a guided, fun, yet meaningful and creative way to side-step your pattern to cause something new to appear and happen and give your life added value?
Then, join me for Nitty-Gritty! This is a quest and strategy to paint to accomplish change.
With this webcourse I am handing you an opportunity to do the Nitty-Gritty “work” of getting real with yourself, undisturbed, in your own house, at your own pace. Because we need to do something, but instead of just talking about it, let’s paint.
A note of warning – this may take you to places you didnt know you were going…
But be bold, Let’s paint, for a change and let’s paint for a change!
The videos are available for you to download.
Have a feel/think, and email me if you have any questions or go for it!
Register below – and don’t hesistate to contact me.
/Dr. Jess
Picture to the left: Anya took Nitty-Gritty. This is her Nitty-Gritty Painting.
coming soon

Dr. Jess, Your Creative P.T.
Course Leader, Creator, Nitty-Gritty.Paint for a Change (7-week online-course).
My name is Jessica Enevold Duncan. I am a Ph.D., an eclectic painter, Intentional creativity teacher and coach, Esalen Massage Therapist, Expressive Arts Facilitator, and then some…
I used to be an under stimulated, stressed-out, overworked, academic, constantly displeased with my BMI, my work situation and general direction of life. I lived a half-ass life, my love relationships, in particular, never seemed quite what they should be!
It took me several years to learn what was needed to live a kick-ass life; to gallop my white horse into the sunset, to get on top of how to feel good, learn to be fulfilled, how to eat, work out, replenish myself, and get aligned with my mission in life and find true ass-kicking love. It took time, because, first of all – I had to “find” myself.
There are plenty of excellent paths to relocating yourself; many roads to freedom, and enlightenment out there. Mine is a creative one. Hence, I made: Nitty-Gritty – Paint, for a Change. It is a way to “get real with art”, an intentional creativity way of getting to know yourself better.
As I see it, only when you have had at least a peak inside yourself, can you find and give love – in and to yourself, and others.